
Milano Design Week 2022

By having to overcome obstacles, the viewer earns a privilege. The best things are those you discover. (Dominique de Menil)

The evocative layout of “Rivelazioni”, the Fuorisalone 2022 installation entrusted to the creativity of Studio MILO, aims to reveal the new Masiero lighting collections little by little, with the gradual delicacy that accompanies the discovery of a precious jewel or a work of art.

Masiero presents two new collections, Posy design by Sara Moroni and Iglù, design by Oriano Favaretto

Iglù, Design by Oriano Favaretto
Posy, design by Sara Moroni

The spatiality of the location in Via Statuto 16 will be also a soft shell inside which will be celebrated an installation of the iconic Horo by Pierre Gonalons and Sound by Giovanni Battista Gianola.

RIVELAZIONI Brera Design District – Via Statuto 16 – Milan

Press Preview, Monday 6 June from 11 am to 7 pm


  • 6 June 11 am – 7 pm
  • 7, 8, 10 June 11 am – 9 pm
  • 9 June 11 am– 10 pm
  • 12 June 11 am – 6 pm

You could find us also at the Salone del Mobile at the partners:

Trabà / Hall 10 Stand E08
Carpanese Home / Hall 03 Stand G14
Fasolin / Hall 08 Stand B35

As well as at the Fondazione delle Stelline, Corso Magenta 61 – Milan, partner of “Il Paradiso” by Pierre Gonalons and at the Spazio Medelhan via Carlo Torre 28, Milan.

The interior design for Racha Kayali

Dear Racha, How is the creative idea behind the project born?

The creative idea behind the project might have different sources: It could be the project’s subject, location, surrounding environment, or simply the client’s request. Our role as interior architects is to read all these elements ideally to put them together in harmony.

How do you prepare for project development?

Once the client approves the main idea, we start to collect the elements to build the project: from walls & floor treatment to the ceiling, which includes the architectural lighting, and finally, the furniture and the decorative lighting.

What are the aspects that most affect your choices? The space? The personality of the customer?

As I mentioned above, both aspects are fundamental in elaborating the main idea of a project. However, the space is the most essential in my opinion. The skill of a talented interior architect is not only to be creative but also to catch a part of the customer’s personality, match it with the space and emphasize it.

How does the research of suppliers take place? What are the fundamental characteristics they must have?

First, the style should match with the project’s mood board. Second, the supplier’s ability to adjust or modify the product if there are any constraints in the selection or the installation. Third, the financial budget.

What is the lighting role in your project? When do you choose the light?

Light has an essential role in all my projects, whether Architectural lights or Decorative. As you know, at the very beginning of life, God created heaven and the earth. The earth was void and did not have any form; darkness was upon the deep face. Then, God said, “Let there be light”: and there was light.

What kind of relationship do you have with your suppliers? Do you actively involve them in the process? If so, to what extent?

Once the material, furniture, and lighting fixtures are selected, the suppliers become part of the work team. They are involved in all aspects of their domain, from coordinating with the contractors to the installation on site.

If you were to share advice with the final customer, what would you suggest to weigh up for their purchases?

First, their purchase should match the project’s style. The company’s legacy is another critical point, and its representative cooperation is essential for me.

Why did you choose Masiero?

Honestly, it’s Raqam. I fell in love with this majestic chandelier, which ingeniously combines the elegance of classical lines and advanced technology in led lighting.

In addition, the successful business relationship with Mr. Andrea Borsato, the Masiero Area Manager in charge for Middle East area, makes me discover other lines from Masiero and propose them to my clients.

 RK Interior Architecture is a studio specialized in residential and commercial interior projects. Racha Kayali, the founder, is an Interior Architect who graduated from the ESAM Design School in Paris. She then worked at the Wilmotte & Associates agency in Paris for 3 years. She is now a member of Nidal Group and has signed prestigious projects all around the Middle East including Riyadh, Dubai and Beirut.

The Design for Oriano Favaretto

A designer from Treviso who collaborates with a Venetian company: Oriano, what links you to Masiero, in addition to professional collaboration?

Human contact with this company binds me. Masiero is not only a place of experimentation but also a family. A shared space where many people and ideas are in tune sharing the same goals and the same enthusiasm.

You have already designed two collections for Masiero, Honicé and Ribbon. What does this third project represent? Have you lived it as a continuity or a chance to experience new things?

Continuity and experimentation can be complementary concepts, although apparently they seem in antithesis. Often, as nature teaches us, spontaneous things find in evolution their inevitable change.

I see my collaboration with Masiero as a transformation, the result of a process of growth and evolution, which in design always pushes you to seek new forms.

What was the starting point for creating Iglù? What were, if any, the design challenges you had to face and solve?

The most original things are born simple. Simplicity as a complex challenge, but natural, like our passions. In Iglù the sphere is split and becomes half solid and half intertwined

A jewel suspended with its intimate, inner light, which makes it mystical and introspective in its rise in space.

My desire to overcome the gravity of materials was expressed through spheres arranged around a ring in a regular scan.

How, from your point of view, does Iglù complete and represent an evolution of the Masiero range?

Iglù represents at the same time a stylistic evolution for Masiero, but also the consolidation of its corporate identity linked to metal.

The desire to create a minimal and contemporary object, but with a sculptural flavor that makes it unique and unique, represents a challenge for the company and for the designer.

Create an essential object that arouses a strong emotional impact, combining a slightly retro look with modern lighting technologies.

Metal, an element of the company’s tradition skilfully shaped, becomes the natural seat for the LED light source.

The Design for Sara Moroni

Sara, What defines your design?

From a formal point of view there is no rule and not even a default style: the products I have designed so far have a heterogeneous and unusual character because each one embodies the values and identity of the company for which they were designed.

What aspects do you consider essential in the development of a new product?

It’s crucial to identify a strong concept and always keep the focus on the end user. Imagining new visions, capturing tacit needs, evaluating the relationship with space and with the person.

How, from your point of view, does a woman designer differ from fellow men on the design front?

The number of women designers is growing strongly and their contribution is increasingly relevant and quality.

They are moving with knowledge, determination and dexterity, in a technical-industrial field that has always been considered similar to the male universe. The difference in design exists and is a real wealth, but it would be anachronistic to bring it back only to gender factors. I think it should be rather sought in the uniqueness of each individual. Every designer approaches the project with a personal method that leads him to elaborate ideas, find very different technical-formal solutions: this is the beauty!

In this process, not linear at all, human and personal factors strongly influence the essence of the project. A designer, as a woman, can undoubtedly offer a different point of view.

What was the starting point to realize Posy?

Two basic concepts inspired Posy.

On the one hand, kinetic art: movement and perception. Throughout the collection asymmetry is sought after and prevailing: it creates movement, lightness, expresses compositional freedom and offers the observer always new and unexpected points of view.

On the other hand bio-inspired design: nature as a source of inspiration. In nature everything seems spontaneous and random, but is absolutely harmonious and perfect. Posy is the formal and structural transposition of gems that develop, irregularly, around a stem and the aesthetic result is both naïve and romantic.

The natural gems have been idealized and transformed into poetic opal glass bubbles, having different diameters, and the tapered stem has become an elegant organic structure in brass that binds and supports the whole.

The naming “Posy”, from the English “bouquet of flowers”, refers explicitly to the organic form of the product and is strong on the concept of harmonic composition.

How, from your point of view, does it complete and represent an evolution of the Masiero range?

Posy is an elegant and refined collection, but fresh and contemporary in its language.

I believe it can express all the technical skill and experience of Masiero in the processing of materials and at the same time show a tension towards new formal canons, always decorative, but more minimal and transversal.

What are the most suitable environments for Posy, if you had to suggest it to architects and interior designers?

I am lighting, product and interior designer at the same time: this is my strong point.

In designing Posy I considered the possible applications, evaluated the relationship of the product with the space and imagined the possible lighting scenarios. The result of this design research is a complete and versatile family characterized by a deliberately transversal style that can allow its inclusion in various contexts: hotels, bars, restaurants, offices, domestic spaces both modern and classic.

As in nature, Posy offers many formal solutions: single, double, cluster or multiple as in inflorescences. I would like the designers to use the various elements that I designed to create their personal bouquet: unique and poetic.

You have worked with 2 different materials: brass and glass. Was it challenging to make them coexist within the design you have made?

Blown glass and brass are two noble materials almost in antithesis with each other: light/ fragile/ semi-transparent the first and full-bodied/ ductile/ semi-reflective the second. Wanting to give the right value to both finishes, I thought I’d let them interact with each other through light. The opal sphere, in addition to illuminating the environment, enhances the entire brass structure of the product making it stand out: the color, the materiality and the refined micro-decoration.

Dimore Catalogue 2022

Each product has its own history, its origins. A long process, made up of times of reflection, of comparisons, of experimentation. Everything comes from a creative twist that is molded to take shape.

This year we have decided to present two new collections to the market, the result of the collaboration with two designers with well-known experience in the world of lighting design.

Sara Moroni, new entry in the parterre of designers who collaborate with Masiero

and Oriano Favaretto, a partnership already tested thanks to Honicè and Ribbon, signed by the designer for Masiero.

The two collections are presented in the Dimore catalogue, completely renewed in look, designed by Artemio Croatto and his staff from the Designwork studio.

The creative direction of the shots was entrusted to NOOII Agency, the print to the professionalism of Grafiche Antiga.

Our new catalogue is the result of the collaboration of professional people inside and outside the company, who have worked with passion and dedication and that is why we are thrilled to present it!

Catalogo Dimore 2022

Ogni prodotto ha la sua storia, le sue origini. Un processo lungo, fatto di tempi di riflessione, di confronti, di sperimentazioni. Tutto nasce da un guizzo creativo che viene plasmato fino a prendere forma.

Quest’anno abbiamo deciso di presentare al mercato due nuove collezioni, frutto della collaborazione con due designer dalla conclamata esperienza nel mondo della luce.

Sara Moroni, new entry nel parterre dei designer che collaborano con Masiero

e Oriano Favaretto, partnership già collaudata grazie a Honicè e Ribbon, firmati dal designer per Masiero.

Le due collezioni sono presentate all’interno del catalogo Dimore, completamente rinnovato nel look, ideato da Artemio Croatto e il suo staff dello studio Designwork.

La direzione creativa degli scatti è stata affidata a NOOII Agency, la stampa alla professionalità di Grafiche Antiga.

Il nostro nuovo catalogo è il risultato della collaborazione di professionisti interni ed esterni all’azienda, che hanno lavorato con passione e dedizione ed è per questo che siamo entusiasti di presentarlo!

Good Design Award 2021

Masiero won the Good Design Award 2021, the prestigious international award awarded to the best design products, with HORO, the collection designed by Pierre Gonalons.

Minimal shape, simple, almost graphic that takes on a vintage mood thanks to the metal and glass finishes, these are the characteristics of HORO that convinced the international jury of architects and designers of the coveted award that is organized annually by the Museum of Architecture and Design Athenaeum in Chicago. Founded in Chicago in 1950 by Eero Saarinen and Charles and Ray Eames, GOOD DESIGN remains the oldest and the world’s most recognized program for design excellence worldwide.

Christmas in Italy

The cold and shorten days are getting closer, lights start to bright in the streets decorated with red and green details, and huge Christmas trees appear in the main squares. People hurry across the streets with a lot of packages in their hands, bagpipers play Christmas melodies all around, and Babbo Natale give candies to the children. The Christmas atmosphere is really felt in the Bel Paese since this holiday is one of the most important ones in the country. Although there are commons traits, the magic of Natale is different all over the world. This is the perfect occasion to meet up with your family, sit around the table and enjoy a delicious and exquisite menu. The charm of this day lasts until late, while playing board games, tasting Italian delicacies and good wines, and unwrapping all the presents! Italians really like to decorate their home, and the choice of the right lighting it is fundamental to create the perfect atmosphere and here we would to show you the several suggestion come from Masiero!

If you live in a country cottage, Libe with its wood frame and the precious diffuser in opaque crystal lozenges could be perfect for lights up your favourite armchair, looking the snow and delight in the warmth of the fireplace.

Are you in love with the gold and white? A Leaf gold Dame suspension composition will be the excellent choice for your modern living room, next to your amazing Christmas tree!  

Simplicity and good taste are your keywords. If the snow is falling outside and you don’t like the cold, take a sit on your sofa with your favourite book, light up the Sound and enjoy your home.  

Are you crazy for Christmas? Treat yourself a piece of the Masiero Limited Gold Edition! A special dress for the iconic Masiero’s collection celebrate the 40th anniversary of the company. A gold plated finishing make the products unique! You could choose the Nappe, and place them close to your bed as little jewels.  

If you want to make your living room shining, Olà is the best solution to bring a sparkling touch!

You are a lover of classical chandelier: Maria Teresa is the perfect mix between classic and modern thanks to the traditional shape and the led lighting technology, the modern trend of light source!

You can not give up to a touch of vintage: Horo with its simple line and the ‘50s style in this limited edition with the glass in gold tone is your masterpiece.  

Honicè will be the special guest on your festive table! Simple line, block color and an iconic design are the winner ingredients of your secret recipe!

Author of the article
Alessia D’Alesio
Global Marketing & Communication Manager, Masiero

Interior lighting design: our suggestions

Lighting design is one of the most important elements in the decoration of a living space.

Choosing the right lighting strikes a balance between style, functionality and personal taste.

The Covid involved a radical change in the life habits of each of us and the priorities in our lives.

Reclaiming the spaces, making your home cozy and functional, reflecting the personality of those who live it has become a widespread priority.

Less is more has become a statement useful to interior decor and also to the choice of lamps.

Horo, designed by Pierre Gonalons, with its simple and essential lines, certainly goes in this direction. The simplicity and the ability to decorate with taste and various spaces make Horo a winning choice!

Another focus of the season is the passion for retro atmospheres. The time of solitary confinement that we spent has made us nostalgic, eager to recreate the world of our childhood, or that golden age that we dream of being able to live again. So also in the interior lighting we see the return to the 60’s and 70’s, to the economic and creative boom that has involved the whole world.

Vegas designed by Marc Sadler is a collection of sculptural volumes, precious and impactful, that illuminates the house with a sign of style very marked.

The passion for retro and vintage taste will certainly make you appreciate Olympya design by Masiero Lab, which with its classic shapes and reassuring colors is a choice of lighting design that will accompany you over time.

Sustainability and attention to the environment are values that are back in vogue. So natural materials enjoy a renewed interest.

Flashwood design by Giovanni Battista Gianola is the Masiero’s suggestion made of wood with integrated LED lighting, in full respect of the environment.

We talked about current trends in interior lighting design, but what really matters when choosing the lighting of your home is harmony. The house is the place where you share family experiences or take refuge in the intimacy of a time for yourself. All this requires harmony in the colors, in the shapes, in the space that you live.

The creation of a warm and welcoming space goes through the choice of interior lighting, which contributes to create the right atmosphere for each of these moments. The balance between aesthetics and functionality, design and practicality is the focus of Masiero’s lighting proposals.

Choosing designer lamps for your spaces means leaving an imprint of your personality, making the space unique, modeling the light and shadows, shapes and lines, colors and volumes. I mean, make it real.

Author of the article
Alessia D’Alesio
Global Marketing & Communication Manager, Masiero

How to manage light in a reading corner

Choosing the right light is essential in creating your own relaxing corner at home.

Intensity, position and kind of lighting can make the difference when in the evening, you relax by dedicating yourself to the noble art of reading.

Imagine coming home after a long work day. The only thing you want is to relax, letting yourself be pampered by the embrace of your favorite armchair, with your reading lamp as a silent companion, immersing yourself in the imaginary world of your favorite novel.

What could be more relaxing than a reading corner made to measure for you, with extreme care and attention? The color of the walls, the furnishings and of course the light, which accompanies you at all times of the day, changing according to your needs.

When you think about relaxation, the first words that come to mind are tranquility, serenity and comfort. How to concretely transfer them to your reading corner? Start with the piece of furniture on which you will relax with your book. It could be a comfortable armchair, perhaps with a retro taste and near the window overlooking the garden, or a soft and comfortable sofa. Once you have found the perfect place, customize it with objects that talk about you, it will make you feel at ease. The choice of light will be crucial, since the lamp will choose at the same time a functional piece of furniture and will be at your reading, providing you with the right light to give you pages and pages of adventures without straining your eyes.

Which reading lamp to choose? The alternatives are essentially two: the floor or table lamp. The first generates a more diffused light, which descends from the other to illuminate the pages. If you have a tea table next to your reading corner, you can opt for a table lamp that creates a more intimate atmosphere.

If you have opted for floor lamps, you can choose between Blake, with its minimal and captivating design, it will also give a touch of grit to the environment. The black frame and the diffuser in Venetian glass plates make this lamp easily combinable with different colors of furniture.

If you are a lover of softer and more captivating shapes, Eva is the perfect product for you. The wide range of colors offered in the catalogue allows you to choose the one that best fits your room.

If you are a fan of retro taste, Horo with its glass diffuser available in different finishes and colors will illuminate your readings with the eye of light which, by turning the lamp, you can direct it towards you.

Design will enter your home thanks to the Sound floor lamp, an iconic product of the Dimore Masiero catalogue. If you choose the LED version, you can modulate the light thanks to the dimmer according to your needs and moods

For your reading table, on the other hand, a lamp like Marco Zito’s Cupole is the design solution that will bring a touch of Venetian style to your home. This product is also available in the floor version.

If you are a lover of the classic revisited in a modern way, the Darshan table lamp is your perfect choice. Entirely covered in leather, it is available in 3 colors.

Author of the article
Alessia D’Alesio
Global Marketing & Communication Manager, Masiero


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